Reptile Zoo Nockalm

Get close and experience mambas, cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes.

Grüne Mamba im Reptilienzoo Happ

Extraordinary reptile zoo that primarily exhibits venomous snakes from all over the world in terrariums. Get close and experience mambas, cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes. You can learn about those dangerous and fascinating animals! The zoo also focuses on local species of reptiles, exhibited in natural outdoor terrariums.

Tips: Worried about rain? There's plenty of indoor attractions like snake feeding, snake milking, presentations and guided tours. For schedule see website.


Reptilienzoo Nockalm
Vorwald 83
9564 Patergassen
+43 676 37 47 807 

Opening hours

Jul-Aug: daily 9 am - 6 pm,
other months: 10 am - 5 pm
March-May: closed an Monday and Friday
closed in November and December

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