Weather today, 11. March 2025

  • 03:00 cloudy
  • 06:00 cloudy
  • 09:00 cloudy
  • 12:00 partly cloudy
  • 15:00 cloudy
  • 18:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 24:00 drizzle

wind in exposed higher regions: from SW with gusts around 50 kmph
A mixture of several clouds and sunny periods in between. In the afternoon more and more dense clouds appear from southwest. Overnight it begins to rain in some places.

tomorrow, 12. March 2025

  • 03:00 cloudy
  • 06:00 cloudy
  • 09:00 drizzle
  • 12:00 cloudy
  • 15:00 drizzle
  • 18:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 drizzle

wind in exposed higher regions: SW with 30 to 60 kmph
Overcast all day long but hardly any rain.

Thursday, March 13

Lots of clouds. In the morning slight rain in some places, in the course of the day mostly dry with some sunshine in the east. However, slight rain is still possible to the south.

Friday, March 14

Cloudy with heavy precipitation. Snow line from west to east 1000 to 1800 metres. In higher valleys in the west heavy snowfall is possible.

Saturday, March 15

Unsettled. Dense clouds and some rain showers, snow showers above 900 to 1200 metres. Slight cooling.

Sunday, March 16

Still lots of clouds, little sun and a few rain showers. Snow line around 1000m.

Monday, March 17

Clouds clear up and it becomes sunny.

11.03.2025 - 19:06 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia